Friday, 21 September 2012

Fantasy Upgrade

Today started like any normal day, except there was a strange ray of light in my bedroom…SUN!!! And since i hadn’t experienced any of that lately, I instinctively reached for my phone, and called my sweet friend to inquire as to the whereabouts of her evil step-mom,so that I could sneak myself into their pool. God was on my side; the witch had flown broom-class to Lagos that same morning. Halleluyerr!!!

Friday, 14 September 2012

I kissed a frog(Summer of 2010)

The loud snore and lingering fragrance of not-so-cheap female perfume had accomplished its malicious intent. It was one of those nights when I wished I didn’t have to sleep just to avoid the impending darkness of another sunny day. One of those nights when my bed typified “worlds apart”.

Friday, 7 September 2012

Journey of Love- "A match made in Heaven"

…More words dropped.
“whish flaght r u taking?”
“qwhat’s urp?”and where is ur monda ?’’
“Will u eat rice?”
 Hungry as I was I couldn’t agree to another chance of parading myself with this palot and his louis vuitton in a restaurant for more well-meaning Nigerians to see. So I boned and said “No”.